Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Biointeractive

Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Biointeractive

A massive undertaking - building out the frontend for small Netflix-like repository for science videos. BioInteractive is a leading provider of free classroom resources and professional development for high school and undergraduate biology educators.

They aim to connect students to big ideas in biology and promote engagement through the science practices to transform science education into a creative, interdisciplinary endeavor that reflects the excitement of real research. Funded by Howard Hughes himself and his Medical Institute, it gathers a myriad of disciplines of sciences and gives it out as a resource.

The pages are extensive but this was a fun project. Still stands the test of time - the color schemes and div placements hold up on all browsers.

Front-end Developer
  • WordPress
  • JavaScript
  • Custom CSS Theming
  • Theme Creation
  • File Management
  • Online Style Guide
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